Hi guys! I'm so excited to tell you all about my very first Disney bound! Now you may be asking, what does that mean? When you bound, you dress as someone else (it can be obvious or subtle), such as a character from a movie! So for this Disney bound, I decided to dress as my favorite princess, Belle! Growing up, Belle was always my favorite princess because she had brown hair just like me, haha. But as I got older, I loved her for many other reasons, and she is still my favorite to this day.
My best friends and I took a girls trip to Disney back in March and we all wanted to bound as princesses. Kristen (@neverlandandmagic) bounded as Rapunzel, Gab (@adventuresbygab) bounded as Ariel, and Amanda (@simply.magical.life) bounded as Snow White!
It is not expensive to bound as your favorite character/princess, and sometimes you can do it with clothes you have in your closet! I wore Converse that I already had and just needed to purchase a few items, but it wasn't expensive at all!
First, we all got plain white t-shirts from Target! We used the Cricut machine to cut out the word "princess" and ironed it onto our shirts!
For our skirts, we all bought colored skirts that matched our princess. I went with a yellow skirt from Showpo, which is an online boutique!
Next, I thought a rose bag would be perfect for Belle! However, I couldn't find any Danielle Nicole rose bags online, they were all sold out. But, I found a cute rose bag at Target, actually in the kids section.. I never would've thought to check there.
Last but not least, Kristen bought us all bow bands from @mainstreettillyears.

About halfway through the day, I decided to change into ANOTHER Belle Disney bound. I kept my outfit the same, but I changed into a Belle shirt from @cindyandalexstudios!
There you have it, my first Disney bound! As you can see, it is not hard at all, and it's a fun way to incorporate your favorite character/princess into your day! Be sure to check out the people and shops that I underlined, they are awesome! Who knows, they may inspire you for your next bound!
Have you ever bounded before? Let me know, I would love to hear all about it and see pictures!
Thanks for reading! XO